The Zizzler

Living THE life on a shoestring budget. Traveling, DIY projects, general fabulousness.......

Monday, May 08, 2006

Sometimes I Receive Crafty Love!

Sadly, I'm not the brains behind this project. I received this set of cards from my good friend Jessica (pictured in the Sculpture Park photo) for Christmas. She assured me it was easy, and extremely cheap. She bought a few sheets of colored card stock (50 cents a sheet) and envelopes ($1 each) from a paper store and Googled some images she thought I'd like. She then printed the images onto white cardstock and cut into squares. The cutesy part, is that she used a zig zag stitch and colored thread to sew the images onto the cards with her sewing machine. They came out really great! One of the best gifts ever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, I scanned images from a book of copywright free nature sketches from the turn of the century (1800's). (No lawsuits, please!)I'm glad you liked them, Lor!

3:13 PM  

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