Sometimes I Receive Crafty Love!
Sadly, I'm not the brains behind this project. I received this set of cards from my good friend Jessica (pictured in the Sculpture Park photo) for Christmas. She assured me it was easy, and extremely cheap. She bought a few sheets of colored card stock (50 cents a sheet) and envelopes ($1 each) from a paper store and Googled some images she thought I'd like. She then printed the images onto white cardstock and cut into squares. The cutesy part, is that she used a zig zag stitch and colored thread to sew the images onto the cards with her sewing machine. They came out really great! One of the best gifts ever.
Actually, I scanned images from a book of copywright free nature sketches from the turn of the century (1800's). (No lawsuits, please!)I'm glad you liked them, Lor!
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