The Zizzler

Living THE life on a shoestring budget. Traveling, DIY projects, general fabulousness.......

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

One Ugly Sweater.

I have no idea why I bought this sweater. It looks horrible on me. Knowing me, I probably bought it for the simple fact that it was 75% off. It sat in my closet, even on the coldest days. I think I wore it once to shovel the sidewalk. Sure, you may think it looks okay, but on, I looked like a nerd. A boyish nerd.

What to do? Scissors!
I originally liked the buttons detail on the sweater, so I decided to keep just that, and make a cumberbun/sash type thing. I've seen some around, but accessories are at the bottom of my list of things to buy so I decided to try to make one. I cut a good portion out and resewed it to fit my abdomen, since it was originally the bottom of the sweater. Luckily the sweater is striped, so I just cut along a stripe above three of the buttons.the bottom of the sweater. I found that I like to wear it offset, with the buttons on the side. I wear it with longer black shirts and black dresses. Its subtle but a nice design contrast.

I had alot of sweater left over, so I used the one button closure I had cut off to make a cuff. Its stretchy, so the button doesn't need to be functional, so I hot glued some plastic lips I got at a craft store onto it. Two easy projects for FREE!

R.I.P. ugly sweater. Burn in hell.


Blogger haveboard said...

Did you just tell a SWEATER to burn in H. E. double Hockey Sticks? [Insert Weezer Song Here]

1:09 PM  

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